Change length of underline in excel
Change length of underline in excel

change length of underline in excel

You can use the right and left arrow keys to move right or left one cell at a time. You can use the down arrow key to move downward on the screen one cell at a time. We will discuss both of these later in more detail. End allows you to jump around the screen. Scroll Lock causes the pointer movement key to move the window but not the cell pointer. Pressing the key toggles the function between on and off. Scroll Lock and End are also toggle keys. Other functions that appear on the Status bar are Scroll Lock and End. The letters «NUM» on the Status bar in the lower right corner of the screen indicate that the numeric keypad is on. You can use the numeric keypad to enter numbers as if you were using a calculator. Pressing it turns the numeric keypad on and off. Other indicators appear on the Status bar in the lower right corner of the screen. The word «Ready» tells you that Excel is in the Ready mode and awaiting your next command. Notice the word «Ready» on the Status bar at the lower left side of the screen. If the Status bar is turned on, it appears at the very bottom of the screen. Press the Esc key twice to close the drop-down menu. Cell entries display on the right side of the Formula bar. If the Formula bar is turned on, the cell address displays on the left side of the Formula bar. You enter your data into the cells on the worksheet. Cell E10 is located under column E on row 10. For example, the cell located in the upper left corner of the worksheet is cell A1, meaning column A, row 1. The combination of column and row coordinates make up a cell address. The columns are lettered A to IV the rows are numbered 1 to 65536. Each worksheet contains columns and rows. Toolbars are generally located just below the Menu bar. Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Point to Cancel and click the left mouse button to close the dialog box. Press Enter to select the Cells menu option.Ĩ. Press the up arrow key until Cells is highlighted.ħ. Press the down arrow key until Style is highlighted.Ħ.

change length of underline in excel

Press the left arrow key until Format is highlighted.ĥ. Press the right arrow key until Help is highlighted.Ĥ. Point to the word File, which is located on the Menu bar.ģ. An ellipse after a menu item signifies additional options if you select that option, a dialog box will appear.ĭo the following exercise, which demonstrates using the Microsoft Excel menu.ġ.

change length of underline in excel change length of underline in excel

To select an option, highlight the item on the drop-down menu and press Enter. You can use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the drop-down menu. You can now use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move left and right across the Menu bar options. Point with your mouse to a menu option and click the left mouse button. You use the menu to give instructions to the software. The menu begins with the word File and continues with the following: Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window, and Help. The Menu bar is directly below the Title bar and displays the menu. At the top of your screen, you should see «Microsoft Excel - Book1» or a similar name. On the Title bar, Microsoft Excel displays the name of the workbook you are currently using. The Title bar is located at the very top of the screen. To start Microsoft Excel click START > PROGRAMS > MS Excel. We use this application program to prepare, analyze and present numeric data, to make different mathematical or scientific calculations. Microsoft Excel is an application program that is called a spreadsheet.

Change length of underline in excel